Thursday, November 9, 2017


After spotting some small, tiger stripe pumpkins at the grocery store that were a lovely shade of pale yellow, the idea popped into my head to sassy one up for my sister's two-month-old.

These sunshine-yellow punkins reminded me of Sunday Magnolia (aka, "Sunnie"), so I set to work.

I tied a pretty ribbon around the stem; stamped her name (using a permanent, not a water-based, ink pad); and finished by gluing on a petite decorative flower (which I bought many years ago).

And voila!  Something sweet for Sunnie's first fall!

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Wednesday, November 1, 2017


It's the day after Halloween, and the candy has been collected and is now waiting to be completely consumed by...

Kids?  Yes, of course, by *children*, people.

Well, maybe not.

I sent a picture of this shirt to my sisters (who are both moms) because we all know that, well, Halloween isn't just for kiddos (wink-wink).

Parents, make sure to share with your littles--BE NICE!

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