"We can do no great things;
only small things with great love."
~Mother Teresa~
Sometimes after I finish a blog post, I start to feel like
(or feel accused that) I spent too much time on it, particularly since it's not work for which I'm going to be paid. And it probably won't be read by very many people. And I probably shouldn't even be blogging anyway. So that happened after I had done my last post. And then I felt like the Lord said to me, "A little work of art for Papa." And then I thought about how much I delight in and appreciate the artwork my nephew, Taric, makes for me, whether in school or on his own time. I've loved receiving his little works of art since he was old enough to hold a crayon. He's now 9 years old and in the 4th Grade, and I hope he'll still be gifting me with his creations when he's 75! ☺
(or feel accused that) I spent too much time on it, particularly since it's not work for which I'm going to be paid. And it probably won't be read by very many people. And I probably shouldn't even be blogging anyway. So that happened after I had done my last post. And then I felt like the Lord said to me, "A little work of art for Papa." And then I thought about how much I delight in and appreciate the artwork my nephew, Taric, makes for me, whether in school or on his own time. I've loved receiving his little works of art since he was old enough to hold a crayon. He's now 9 years old and in the 4th Grade, and I hope he'll still be gifting me with his creations when he's 75! ☺
Here is something Taric made in preschool; it depicts the life cycle of the butterfly with a paper plate, construction paper, pipe cleaners, a cotton ball, and tissue paper.
Here he is at his preschool graduation party wearing a tshirt that was stamped "by hand." ☺
Paintin' rocks! No, I don't mean that painting is cool, I mean that he was painting rocks ☺. I took these pics in 2007.
These belong in the Smithsonian--or perhaps the
"Smith-stone-ian." ☺
Here's Taric in 2008. By the way, there's only one person who loves Play-Doh more than he does: his Auntie!
Here is a Play-Doh cupcake which Taric made for me.
As you might be able to tell, I keep it on a bookshelf with lots of other colorful things I love. The shelf is falling apart, as I semi-unsuccessfully put it together myself. Sometimes I can't help but think: I hope these shelves don't give way--my sweet little cupcake might be damaged in the fall!
These pictures were taken by Taric's mom (my older sister), Allura, outside their home in 2009. Allura attended the School of Visual Arts in NYC before Taric was born.
In fact, I love it when she creates something special for me as well! She made this card for me because when Taric was younger and I would babysit him, she would often ask me to give him his bath. My special formula: LOTS of bubbles! ☺
Here is the bday card that Taric made for me this year.

Yes, that cat is holding not only a balloon, but a cupcake too --my little nephew knows me so well ☺

And while we're at it, I suppose I should show off some of my own artistic skills--if that's what you'd call them. I painted this in kindergarten. I don't remember very many things from when I was that young, but I recall doing this. I was in art class, and I didn't know how to make puddles that would look real, so I simply painted big, blue ovals (and that's exactly how I'd do it today, mind you).
Also, I remember that I had finished painting the little girl and was about to start on the umbrella; however, I realized that I wouldn't be able to portray her holding it, as she had both hands on her hips. So, I did what any skilled, creative artiste would: I simply propped that umbrella on the back of her arm! ☺
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